Writing is lots of thinking but it’s also doing

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Lots of people think writers live in a dream world, constantly thinking up stories.

It’s not really like that because there’s a lot of thinking that never turns into a story. Ideas twist and turn around a writer’s brain a bit like clay in a sculptures hand, until those ideas turn into actual writing.

Sometimes getting a story down takes years, like a researched novel or life story. Sometimes a story takes moments of scribbled ideas.

Get those ideas out of your head and onto paper or computer and tell your story.
Get those ideas out of your head and onto paper or computer and tell your story.

It doesn’t matter where your thinking goes as long as you don’t procrastinate. If you procrastinate you can kid yourself that you will write that story one day (and never actually do it).

So even if your thinking hasn’t got you to a full-formed story, just start writing. If you don’t put pen to paper or start tapping on the keyboard your ideas will forever remain in your brain and you can never share them that way.

It’s just like this competition. If you have been thinking you had plenty of time to start and you’re still thinking about it – start your writing now.

And on that note – get your entry in before it’s too late.

Remember this competition is about encouraging writing but it’s also a fundraiser for Umoja Orphanage Kenya. Please help them by entering.


One thought on “Writing is lots of thinking but it’s also doing

    tanya masaire(Ty'ra Vanadis) said:
    August 5, 2016 at 8:06 pm

    Timely advice


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